Sweets & Short Eats





550 g. Sugar
04 tsp. Glucose
600 ml. Water
50 g. Gelatin
02 Nos. Egg Whites
02-03 drops Colouring


Mix the Sugar, Glucose and Water. Boil the Mixture at 116 C. Beat the Egg Whites. Add Flavouring and Sugar Syrup and beat well. Then add the Gelatin and beat well. Finally divide the mixture into two and add Colouring.

                                                                            Thala Guli



400g Sesame seeds
400g Jaggery
1-2 tsp Liquid Glucose


Grind the Sesame seeds and the Jaggery together (the jaggery pieces should be small but not all powdery).Add one or two tsp of liquid Glucose and mix well. Form into bite size balls.





300 ml. Egg Whites
500 g. Sugar
200 g. Icing Sugar
50 g. Corn Flour
50 g. Cashew Nuts


Whip the Egg Whites and gradually add Sugar. Whip up to a stiff snow. Then fold the Icing Sugar, Corn Flour and Cashew Nuts.
Pipe the meringue into circles on to a lined baking sheet.
Place in an oven at 130C for 60-70 minutes and dry in a warm cupboard or warn oven.

                                                                     Coconut Toffee


225 g coconut
2 cardamom
350 g sugar water
225 g semolina
1/2 ts rose essence
1/2 ts vanilla essence
1/4 ts cinnamon, ground
1 ds food coloring, green or red


Grate the coconut and crush the cardamoms. Place the sugar and waterin a pan, stir over a medium heat and bring to the boil. Add thesemolina and continue to stir briskly until it is cooked. Add thecoconut, cardamom, rose essence, vanilla essence, cinnamon and dashof food colouring and continue to stir until the mixture thickens.Pour into a flat, buttered dish, cut into squares and separate whencool.

                                                                           Kalu Dodol


250 g Flour, rice
50 g Cashew nuts
225 g Jaggery
1/4 ts Cinnamon, ground
250 ml Coconut milk, thick
-pinch salt


Sieve the flour into a bowl. Chop the cashew nuts and grate the jaggery. Add the cinnamon and salt to the flour and mix well in. Gradually add the palm sugar and coconut milk and mix thoroughly. Place mixture in a pan and cook over a medium heat, stirring all the time, until it thickens. Add the cashew nuts, mix well, then turn onto a flat, buttered dish. Smooth the surface and when cool cut into diamond shaped pieces.




5 Eggs
 250g Jaggery (Hakuru)
 200ml Condenced milk
 50ml Fresh milk
 pinch of Cardamom powder
 pinch of Cinnamon ground
  pinch of Nutmeg powder
 1/4Vanilla Essence
 Cashew for decoration


 Preheat the oven to 180C.
Scrape jaggery and mix with water and boil until the jiggery has melted. Allow it to cool.
Lightly beat the eggs.
Mix the condensed and fresh milk together.
Add melted Jaggery and milk a little at a time to the eggs and continue to beat.
Add vanila essence and pour in to a grease bowl.
Cover with grease proof paper and fan bake for 1 1/4  hours.
For added taste, sprinkle with cashew nuts before or after steaming.




3 cups roasted rice flour
2 cups coconut or kitul honey
2 ozs. sliced cashew nuts


Roast the rice flour in a pan on low heat while stirring all the time. Sieve and set aside. Then heat the honey till it treacles. Add the roasted rice flour and the sliced cashew nuts. Stir well and remove the pan from fire. A flexible consistency should be obtained. Roll out on a well floured board. Cut into diamond shapes. (Note: The rice flour should be well roasted for this receipe to come out well)

                                                                        Mung Kavum


1kg Mung Flour
750g White Rice Flour
3 cups Black Treacle

Batter Ingredients

1 egg
200g rice flour
Pinch of salt
1 cup Coconut milk
Pinch of Tumeric


In a bowl combine mung flour, rice flour and a pinch of salt. Bring a pot of Treacle to a boil. Once you try to pour it, it should form a thick line like a thread. That is the correct point to add flour into it. Keep one cup of boiled treacle aside.Mix flours and treacle well, using hands until you can knead the dough without it sticking to your fingers. Dust a board with white flour and spread the mixture on a board and cut diamond shapes.In another bowl mix coconut milk, rice flour, turmeric and salt, and make a thick batter.Meanwhile heat a pot filled with oil. Dip the diamond shape kavum in the batter and add kavum to oil and cook until golden bown.



4 cups rice flour,i.e. 1/2 measure raw rice pounded
Thick Milk of 1 large mature coconut
2 Eggs
5-6 dessert spns salt water
Cooking oil for deep frying


Sieve the rice flour well(raw).Spread the salt water.Whisk the eggs and make the batter with eggs and the thick coconut milk to the consistency of a pan cake batter.
Heat the oil ina frying pan with a rounded bottom.Dip the "Kokis" mould in it and heat it up.Then dip it in the batter.The very top should not be covered with the batter.Put it back into the oil pan.When half done, shake it off and deep fry one at a time.When fried, remove to a colander.Store in an airtight container.
Note:"Kokis" can be made with steamed American flour.Steam the flour for about 45 minutes or more.Sieve and use 4 cups for the above recipe.

                                                                          Konda Kavum


2 measures white rice flour(raw)
2 cups all-purpose flour
6 cups coconut honey
1/2 or 3/4lbs. sugar
about 2 cups water


Soak the rice for about 3-4 hours.Pound and sieve with a very fine sieve. Put salt and knead the dough with honey and add the sugar to make the mixture to a thick pan cake batter consistency by adding water(cold). Leave for about 2 to 3hrs and cook kawuns in deep oil in a small frying pan.



1 lb. steamed American flour
1-2 Eggs
4 level tspn table salt
Thick milk of 1/2 a coconut
1/2 bottle cooking oil
Optional(sugar coating)
1/2 lb sugar
1/2 cup water


Steam the flour over 45 min. and sieve.Put into a bowl and spread the table salt.Whisk the eggs and add into the flour.Mix to a hard string hopper consistancy by mixing in the thick coconut milk.Syringe the mixture onto a board with the help of a murukku mould or an icing syringe with a large star nozzle.Cut into a suitable lengths and form loops etc. and deep fry in coconut oil, a little at a time.Strain on to a colander and later on to a paper.Sugared Murukku(Optional)
Mix together the sugar and water.When it tracles slightly, toss the fried murukku into the sugar syrup spread on to a paper lined tray to cool.Store in a air tight container.



3 lbs. sugar
1 lb flour
3 bottles water
1 bottle coconut oil
2 tspn vanilla
6 cardamoms(powdered)
1/4 lb cashew nuts(cut fine)


Make a ballof dough with the flour using extra water and soak this ball of dough in the 3 bottles of water and occasionally wash it and turn so that the flour will get washed leaving the gluton in a ball.Throw the gluton away.Strain the starch and all the water into a pan with sugar and half of the coconut oil and cook on a low flame.Keep stirring continously.When it boils for about 45 minutes add more coconut oil.Finally after 1 1/2 hours, it should form a ball.At this stage take the pan off the fire.Add the vanilla, spices and cashews and pour into a deep square pan and leave to set.



1 cup Ragi flour(kurakkan flour)
2 tbsn shredded coconut
1/4 cup honey
Kande leaves or foil paper


Heat the honey and add the shredded coconut and mix well. Remove from heat and add ragi flour and make a dough. Add a little water if desired. Now place a little dough in the center of the kande leaf and fold it in half and press the dough evenly. If you can't find kande leaves use foil paper instead. When everything is done place the leaves or wrapped foil in a steamer and steam it for 10-15 minutes or until well done.



18 ozs. scraped coconut
3 full cups tracle
1 1/2 cups flour
1/2 cup Semolina(rulang)roasted
1 Egg
2 ozs. pumpkin(cut)
2 ozs. cashew nuts(chopped)
1 oz. ginger preserve
1 oz. candeed peel(optional)
2 ozs. sultanas(optional)
Grated rind of 1 lime
4 cardamoms,Cloves and 1 inch stick Cinnamon(powdered)
1 tspn baking powder
3/4 lbs. dates(pitted and cut)
1 1/2 cups luke warm water(opproximately)


Scrape the coconut fine(you can use frozen shredded coconut).Cook the treacle.Remove from fire and cool the mixture a little.Add the semolina,flour and the water alternately.Mix together the dry ingredients and spices and add into the mixture.Whisk the white of the mixture by adding a little more water if necessary.Four into a butterlined tray and arrange a few pieces of cashew nuts on top.Bake in a slow oven for about 1 1/2 hours.Test with a skewer before removing from oven.

                                                                               Weli Thalapa


2 lbs Rice flour
4 cups thick Coconut milk
4 cups Kithul or Coconut trealce
2 tsp Salt


In a large bowl, mix the flour and salt thoroughly. Add a little coconut milk to the flour and mix until the flour forms into small balls like beads. Do not add water. Cover and steam the flour beads for abourt 30 minutes or until cooked. Remove from the steamer and separate the flour beads and set aside. Boil the treacle and coconut milk in a large saucepan and add the flour beads while stirring. Keep stirring the mixture until oil starts to separate. Remove from heat. Transfer into a greased dish and shape into a block. Cut into pieces of any shape.

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